Restaurant “Albergue de Saliencia”.
Saliencia 27 Somiedo Asturias España
It is located in Saliencia, 14 km from Pola de Somiedo and 7 km from the Saliencia lakes, one of the main attractions of the Somiedo natural park.
The restaurant of the Hostel of Saliencia has the doors open to all public who wish to eat in the facilities, we have an enclosed dining room/room and a large terrace.
Asturian gastronomy, hamburgers and pizzas, menu for children and vegans and also a wide range of different breakfasts: American, Catalan, Andalusian, Somiedo, fruits and pastries.
Gastronomic proposal
Asturian gastronomy
Vegan options
Other services
Hostel and bar service.
Extensive breakfast menu
Breakfast from 08:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Lunch: 13:30 to 16:00
Dinner: 20:00 to 22:00
Tuesday closed for rest, except summer
January and February closed for vacations
*Consult facility for additional information