From the City Council of Somiedo we would like to show a special public thanks to all the people who have collaborated in the development of this website, especially:
-To the municipal staff and volunteers who collaborate in the different events organized throughout the year and who contribute to position Somiedo as a destination with a varied tourist offer for the visitor.
-To the businessmen of the hotel, lodging, activities and active tourism sector who have provided their data for the “Disfruta Somiedo” directory.
-To the authors of the various photographs that appear on this website and who have given them free of charge for their use, especially Andrés Feito, Jorge Jáuregui, Jose Manuel Suárez, Javier Peláez, Juan Sánchez and Pepe Caunedo.
-To Alberto Boza for the cession of use of the information about the climbing routes of El Vaḷḷe/Valle del Lago of his book “Escalada deportiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica”.
-To the winners of the photography contest “Somiedo four seasons”: Adela Clavel Díaz, Borja García Fernández, Santiago Clavel Pinsón, Andrés Feito Álvarez, Daniel Fínez Martínez, Valentin Fernández Suárez, Alberto López Fernández, Luis Herrero Rubinat, Jorge García Valcárcel and Liliana Noemí Monetti Rodríguez.
-To the “Club Mountain Bike Somiedo” for their collaboration in the creation and documentation of cycling routes.